Sunday, April 19, 2009

April Meeting

Great meeting today guys. We had a lot to go over and got through it on time... :) Here are the highlights:

We have new members to our team...
Jeff Long, Sandy Solhem, Brad Solhem, Jerilyn Quintos

We went over our day to day activities we will be doing.
Day 1 London
2 Langata: get to know the Hatleys, hear about their ministry and meet the kids there.
3 Nakuru: met the boys there. Scott and Brad are working on a project to do with them.
4 Nakuru: Visit some of the Churches there that are under CMIA.
5 Langata: Time with kids there. Project with them still pending.
6 Makindu: Meet the girls there. Project with them.
7 Makindu: Work day. Still don't know for sure what we will be doing but it maybe painting the school there.
8 Makindu: Day at schools, hospital and village. Crafty project with girls. Belinda is working on this.
9 Langata: shopping day
10 Masai Mara: Safari
11 Masai Mara: Safari
12 Langata: good byes.

DeeDee went over the importance of sending out support letters.
You letter should have 4 points:
1. Why you are going
2. What you will be doing there
3. Need for support. 1st and foremost prayer. Then financial. $2000 due June 15th, $1500
July 15th.
4. Thanks. Blog address.

We talked about the projects we will be doing there.
Spiritual project with boys. Scott and Brad are coming up with ideas... sports of some kind.
Spiritual project with girls. Belinda
Spiritual project with co-ed kids and AIDS kids: to be discussed more next meeting
Crafty project with girls. Sandy
Crafty project for schools. DeeDee

Scott talked about our Garage Sale
The garage sale will be on June 13th... Please put it on your calendar!!!
Start to collect things for this.
Maybe doing a car wash too.

Start collecting things to bring with us.
Soap bars
medical supplies (aspirin, cough medicine, band aids....)
Clothing for ALL ages Boys and Girls
Sheets for twin beds
Books for all ages

Toys and Games

School Supplies

Words to practice: Jambo (Like our Hello but means how are you?) Mazuri (good) Asanti (Thank you) Sana (very) can be added to Good or Thank you: Asanti Sana (Thank you very much) or Mazuri sana (Very Good).

Our next meeting is only 2 weeks away on May 3rd!! Lots to do so please be on time. I am looking forward to all God is going to use us for!!

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