Thursday, November 19, 2009

Days 11 & 12 & 13

Day 11
Once again we worshiped with our brothers and sisters in Kenya. The Church in Lanagata is a lot larger. Jeff got up and sang again for everyone. After worship we split up all taking an age group (Adult women, adult men, teens, kids, younger kids) and taught thier Sunday school classes. We had a wonderful time.

After Church was over we gathered all the kids of GCC Langata and split them into three groups, older kids, middle kids, and younger kids. We then did fun projects with each age.
It was a busy and very fun day. When it was time to go back to the hotel many of the older kids walked with us. that was a treat for them and us.

Days 12 & 13

We were off on Safari. Nothing is as beautiful as the

Masai Mara.

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