Saturday, May 30, 2009

Medications needed

Here is a list of medications Jennifer needs...
My mom works for Overlake Hospital and will look into getting some of these
as well as a friends of Scott and Donna's who also works at a hospital.

disposable gloves... size medium and large
Calamine lotion
Antacid tablets
Alcohol (bottles)
Hydrogen peroxide
cotton balls
decongestant tablets
cough and cold syrups
expectorant syrups
expectorant tablets
fruit salts (Eno/Alka Seltzer)
pink bismuth tablets (Pepto) and liquids
ear drops (for infections)
eye drops (for infections)
medical swabs (Long q-tips)
regular ear buds/swabs
disinfectant tablets (for washing soiled linens and equipment)
anti fungal ointment
ring worm tablets (for oral treatment)
antihistamine ointments

Monday, May 25, 2009

Attacks will come

I am going to cheat today and add a post here that was written by Mary Horn for her team last year. Mary works with the Boys at the Nakuru home of GCC. Her words are good ones and I am sure will fit all of us going....

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. John 15:1-11

I know you've heard it a million times, but I want you to be ready for Satan's attacks. I want you to realize that you WILL be attacked (if you aren't already) because you are about to go and do the work of the Lord, AND you will be growing in your faith like never before! This is quite troubling to the enemy and he will place all sorts of obstacles in your way. In 2004 I threw my back out so bad that I ended up in the emergency room. My physical therapist was mortified that I would be on airplanes for nearly 20 hours. He was so worried about me that he worked very hard to get me into ship shape before I left. It was a huge attack.The attacks will come in various forms. Failed exams, troubles at work, financial difficulties, doubts, sickness, and so much more. One man on our team in 2004 had a very ill mother. She was on her deathbed. He and his wife (and the rest of our team) as well as his mother, were all praying she would die before we left. She was ready to go be with the Lord and was so eager to leave this world. They didn't want to leave Kenya to attend the funeral. (I know this all sounds really weird!) She met her savior the day before they would have had to cancel their trip. And everyone was happy to know she was finally Home! The whole thing was horrible and most of us had never prayed for a speedy demise before. But what the devil meant for failure, God used as victory!As these rough seas come, please keep in mind what Jesus said about being pruned and what James said about rejoicing in your trials. James 1:2-4 And make sure you are sharing what you are going through with the rest of us so we can be praying for you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kenya history

I have begun to dream of Kenya.
All the feelings of Joy I have there are coming back so real
it is as if I am already there.
I can see each child's face and imagine what they look like now.
I have a list going to remember all I need to bring
and all I want to bring for the children.

The flag of Kenya was officially adopted on December 12, 1963.
The Kenyan flag is based on that of Kenya African National Union.
The colours symbolize black majority,
red for the blood shed during the struggle for freedom,
and green for natural wealth;
the white was added later and symbolizes peace.
The black, red, and white traditional Maasai shield and two spears symbolize the defense of all the things mentioned above.
The Kenyan flag is based on the black over red over green flag of Kenya African National Union
the political party that led the fight for freedom and independence of Kenya.
Upon independence, the white fimbriation, symbolizing peace and unity,
and the shield were added.
The colours of the flag have been specified by the Kenya National Archives.

A Brief History of KenyaAbout 2.5 million years ago Homo habilis lived in the rich fertile rift valley. By 50,000 BC Homo erectus had emerged and Stone age cultures spread over this area. The forefathers of Homo sapiens became hunter gatherers. Cushitic- speaking agro-pastoral people from the north, Ethiopia, and pastoral Nolites followed from the Nile valley moved across during 3000 to 1500 BC.Bantu speaking cattle herders and cultivators came from Sudan and West Africa between 500 BC and 500 AD. By about 800 AD Omani-Arab traders operated down the east African coast, under the Sultan of Zanzibar, and intermarried with the Bantu creating the Swahili culture.In the 16th and 17th Centuries the Portuguese gained control of coastal trade, but Arab resistance saw their power restoredDuring 1780 and 1850 Britain, France Germany and America established trading concessions with Zanzibar, but by 1895 Kenya had become a British protectorate. During the late 1890s and early 1900s the Kenya- Uganda railway was built and a white settler community was established.When Kenya became a British colony in 1919, organized African political activity developed. By 1944 KANU (Kenya African National Union) had formed, and Jomo Kenyatta became KANU's President in 1947. The Mau Mau uprising (1952-56) which resulted in over 10,00 deaths led to Kenyatta becoming Prime Minister of an independent Kenya in 1963.Jomo Kenyatta died in 1978 and was succeeded by Daniel Arap Moi. Although other political parties were by now permitted, Moi and Kanu were returned to power in 1992 and again in 1997, though with substantial opposition

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Taste of Africa

A Taste of Africa....
If you want to hear the sounds of Africa and maybe even catch some wildlife in action
go to this web site...
It is a live cam at 4 different water holes.
You will catch the most action in the mornings or evenings.
Remember, our day is their night...

Be Praying

Are you praying for each other?
Have you called your prayer partner to pray with them?
  1. Pray for support
  2. Pray for fears
  3. Pray for a heart of God
  4. Pray for those we will be ministering too
  5. Pray for each other's needs


Robyn -- Belinda

Robyn -- Amber G

Scott -- Brad

Scott -- Jeff

Donna -- Jerilyn

Amber B -- Sandy

DeeDee -- Tara

Our Schedule

We have our schedule!!!


Remember , Anything can, and probably will , change at moments notice!!! Please determine everyday to be flexible and to DIE TO SELF...

CHCC Outreach to Kenya, 2009

  • Tuesday: Meet at Seatac Airport at 4:30pm. Flight leaves at 6:50pm.
  • Wednesday: Arrive in London at noon. Check into Hotel. Free afternoon in London. Meet back at hotel for dinner together.
  • Thursday: Leave London in AM... Arrive late p.m.; to Cooperative College Guesthouse
  • Friday: To Langata ministry compound 8.00 a.m. for COTRA flag raising; orientation in church hall followed by tour of Langata CMIA compound; lunch at guesthouse; afternoon at Langata GCC; dinner and evening at guesthouse
  • Saturday: Leave for Nakuru, early a.m.; check in at Jumuia guesthouse; lunch at Narkuru GCC ; afternoon with GCC boys; dinner and evening at guesthouse
  • Sunday: Worship with Church on the Rock churches in Nakuru; lunch at Nakuru compound; afternoon with Nakuru GCC boys; dinner and evening at guesthouse;
  • Monday: Return to Langata in a.m.; lunch at guesthouse; afternoon at Langata GCC
  • Tuesday: Leave for Kiboko and Hunter's Lodge, very early a.m.; check in at Hunter's Lodge; lunch at HL and remainder of afternoon and evening to rest and shop at woodcarvers, etc.
  • Wednesday: All day at Makindu GCC - ministry to GCC girls; lunch at GCC; photo ops at Makindu Pre- Primary school and feeding station in late morning/early afternoon.
  • Thursday: Visit Kisingo COTR and Pre-Primary school in early a.m.; hospital visitation, village, mid-morning; back to GCC compound to begin work on mural; lunch at GCC; afternoon to complete mural, say goodbye to girls as they arrive home from school; dinner and evening at Hunter’s Lodge
  • Friday: Return to Nairobi, very early a.m.; lunch enroute at Nairobi, Tamasha; back to Cooperative Guesthouse; afternoon at Langata GCC; diner and evening at guesthouse
  • Saturday: Shopping day; lunch Carnivore Restaurant; Kazuri Beads/Karen Blixen House in p.m.; dinner and evening at guesthouse
  • Sunday: Church on the Rock Langata. Afternoon at Langata GCC.
  • Monday: Early departure for Wilson Airport and Masai Mara Game Reserve. 1st Safari.
  • Tuesday: Safari at Masai Mara Game Reserve. Masai Village.
  • Wednesday: Return to Nairobi, arriving midday; organise for departure; good byes to Langata GCC and COTR Academy kids; to Java House, to JKIA for late night departure.
  • Thursday: Arrive in London for 9 hour lay over. Play in London. Leave London at 3:15. Arrive back home at 4:45!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Bond of the Spirit

what causes fights and quarrels among you?...doesn't it come from bitterness and idols that are rooted in pride in your hearts?...let all of you be humbled because God opposes the proud, but gives grace(undeserved favor) to the humble." James 2

Col 3:12-17 "12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. 15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Many times, I try to justify my reactions to how people treat me or talk about me, but my little brother pointed out to me that I need to demonstrate that same GRACE to others that God has poured out to me to these people. He loves me and COMMANDS me to be humble, gentle, compassionate and LOVING nomatter how people treat me. I am a child of God, an Image Bearer of the Creator of the Universe and I must live out of that knowledge, that TRUTH and not be marked by those who hurt me or belittle me. My life as a Christian is rooted in Love and regardless of who says what or does whatever, I must live a life out of that calling. Boy, its a fun calling, huh, friends?? :) But, know that we have been given everything we need to live that kind of life! In our walks with God, Satan works very diligently to destroy our bond of peace, love and unity with God and with other believers. We MUST fight against that with EVERY EFFORT. When we do fall for his old, ever familiar tricks, we break community, and when this happens, it results in broken fellowship not only with eachother, but with God himself because we are prideful. God OPPOSES the proud, but gives GRACE to the humble...those who love, despite the other person or people involved....

Ephesians 4:29-32 "29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you"Yeah, basically, we know the Enemy is working to break us (the church, the family of God) apart, but may we do as we are commanded, though it does not come naturally, and LOVE one another. Our commission is to make disciples of ALL nations, but why would they ever want to join our family if they witness us tearing eachother down??? ....Lets be quick to love, to forgive and in that, may they SEE THE LOVE WE HAVE FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS and be drawn to our faith in JESUS CHRIST, whom laid down His own life for us all. What grace, what love, what undeserved favor we have to offer those around us and afar. Praise Jesus.

Blessings, friends and foe alike.

arb 5/12/2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009


It is time to start thinking about your shots...
The "regular" shot recommendations for Kenya have been:
Hep A and Hep B
Yellow Fever
MMR, Polio
Malaria Medication while on Trip
Your Travel advisor will have to know the locations in which you will be traveling. The destinations are all in Kenya:
Masai Mara Game Reserve
We will not be staying at altitudes over 10,000 feet.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Flights

I am so excited. This is when it all begins to feel real. So here is what we will be doing...

The flight to Kenya have changed, so we will have more time in London... a lot more time..

Tue. Sept. 15th we fly from Seattle at 6:50pm and arrive in London at 11:50am
We will be spending the night in London!!
Thur. Sept. 17th we fly from London at 10:20am and arrive in Nairobi at 8:55pm.
This will give us a night of rest before we start our ministry!!

Wed. Sept. 30 we fly from Nairobi at 11:10pm and arrive in London at 5:55am
We will have a 9 hour lay over
Thur. Oct. 1st we fly from London at 3:15 and arrive back home in Seattle at 4:45pm.

So, on the way to Kenya we will have all afternoon and evening to visit London and on the way back we will have 9 more hours to go into London if we wish. We will talk more at our meeting about this.

Here is the good news... Our flights were a lot cheaper then we could have ever dreamed!! God is so good!! So our hotel, cab, dinner and breakfast are included our trips price. Even with all of that we still have spent a great deal less then the previous years!! So based on what Jennifer sends me on in country expenses.... our trip could be cheaper then $3500!!! I will let you know when I do.

Amber's experance

Hi all, Just wanted to give you a little insight on the trip in a nutshell. I know Robyn has shared so much with all of us and I just had to see it for myself after hearing so many wonderful things! Here are some things that I experienced there in Kenya and many that things that you will as well.

My Greatest Experience: There are no words to sum it up. We accomplished so much from day to day, but I guess what comes to mind the most isn’t the red dirt and\ “palau” (rice) with chunks of goat meat…what I remember the most is driving up to the first orphanage at Grace Children’s Home, Langata and watching all the little children surround our van. It was so much to take in. I couldn’t stop saying, “oh man, look at them…” and “look how happy they are to see us!” My mind was running wild---I felt I was in a dream. The house was small and the children ran free everywhere. We spent quite a bit of time at this home. Playing with the children, handing out toys, (felt like I was Santa!) helping them write their support letters, singing obnoxious camp songs to Jesus (somehow I always got stuck leading these) and pretty much just loving on these children. I will never forget my little boys, Carlos chasing me around laughing and Mark napping on my lap in the field. Both are HIV positive, but are living healthy lives and are able to attend school!

My Most Difficult Moment: Eating a bowl of chicken bones or the hospital??? I pick the Children’s Ward at the Hospital outside of Makindu…..I really still cannot begin to explain my feelings on this. When we first arrived there, we were able to deliver a 70 lb bag of medicines, burn creams, and assorted hospital supplies to the Director. He was overwhelmed with joy! Then we took a walk through the dirty hospital. The rooms were chilly, filled with beds where the children sat in dying pain. Their mothers (or fathers) sat there with them. Some were sick with malaria, one was suffering from kidney failure, cattle had trampled another, and his face was nearly unrecognizable. But the most difficult to see was a little boy who had been sitting there since May---just aching in his pain. He looked okay, until his mother unwrapped the garment around his body. He was severely burned from neck to knee---his skin was pinkish-white. I choked back some tears and watched him cry. This was definitely my most difficult moment.
While at the hospital, we were able to choose a few children whose parents couldn’t afford their medical treatment and pay off their bills. We prayed over each of them as well as handed out lollipops. This was a great hit!

Can't wait until our next meeting! Only a few left and we will soon be boarding a plane to visit once again(or for the first time for some) the motherland of AFRICA! ~Amber Bong

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Meeting

What a great meeting!! Full of information... Here are the Highlights...

  • We welcomed our newest team member Jerilyn Quintos!!
  • We went over a lot about Kenya's people... Most people are very poor in Kenya. The average income is $32 a month!! But they are a Very generous people. There are 42 different trips in Kenya. Each tribe has its own language, traditions and ways of doing things. This has caused many issues in Kenya, the most recent one, the fighting over the presidency. There are many churches in Kenya but the two main religions are Christian and Muslim. 1 out of every 5 people in Kenya has AIDS. Every person in Kenya has been touched by it in one way or another. We went over a lot more...
  • DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER TO ANYONE. Even those who work with CMIA. If you would like to keep in touch with someone they can send letters to you via the Hatleys and you can send them letters through the Hatleys too. Kenyans are not afraid to ask you for things. Be polite but do not agree to send them anything. If someone ask for something you are wearing or you brought with you, again be polite and let them know everything we leave will be left with the Hatleys to give out as they see fit.
  • Stay in groups. PLEASE DO NOT GO OFF ALONE.
  • We are not going over there to bring America and our ways to them. We will see things we wont always agree with. (How they treat animals is one example used). We are going there to bring them Jesus.
  • Read the book Foreign to Familiar by Sarah Lanier before the next meeting. Also suggested was the book The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns head of World Vision.
  • We went over our projects.... Boys home: The wordless Bible. Brad, I was thinking you would be great to talk to the boys about this and then do an "alter call". We will make brackets with all the colors to give the boys too. Soccer game. Photos of each of the boys for the Christmas cards for sponsors. Sandy will you help me do this?... Girls Home: Wordless Bible as well (I will do this one) and the girls will make their own bracelets or necklaces. Belinda is working on a project for their names and their meanings. Donna is putting together a ribbon cross project. We will also be doing photos of each of the girls and helping them write Christmas letters to their sponsors... Co-ed home: We still need to work on what we want to do here... Schools: DeeDee is working on a craft we can do with kids at the schools. Amber G, will you help her with this? It is right up your alley. Tara and Jerilyn will work on a song we can do for the kids. Amber B will also be taking 4 to 5 people to help touch up the mural on school.
  • Garage Sale... It is on June 13th. People are collecting things!! This is great. My spare bedroom is full. We still need a place!! We will be making the signs for it at our next meeting.
  • For those who think they will need more help raising funds there will be a group doing a car wash. Those who participate in the car wash will have those funds divided between them for their support.
  • Make sure you have your letters out now. A good idea is a follow up letter at the begening of June to remind people and let them know where you are at. I will update you as funds come in at each meeting.
  • Make sure you are collect the things we need to take with us: Medications, clothes for all ages, sheets for twin beds, books for all ages, toys, games, school supplies, towels, new under ware for all ages.... Scott will be going to the Life Group leaders to ask for help from the life groups collecting these things and supplies we need for the projects.
  • Words to work on... Jambo, Hello. Thank you, Asanta. Welcome, Karibu. No, Hakuna. Friend, Rafiki. Good, Mazuri.

We each have prayer partners.... Be in prayer for each other!!

Robyn and Belinda and Amber G

DeeDee and Tara

Scott and Brad and Jeff

Donna and Jerilyn

Amber B and Sandy

Please keep checking this blog throughout the month for more information. Our next meeting is June 7th. We only have 4 more meetings before we go so it is VERY important we all make these meetings. Please come 5 to 10 minutes early so we can start on time. There will be a lot to do in each of these meetings.

"To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." -2 Thessalonians 1:11-12