Sunday, June 7, 2009

June Meeting Recap

To the right is one of the recent photos I told you about of my son Ondecka!! His smile can light up a room.

What a great meeting we had today. We went over so much... here is a recap.

We have a new member to our team: Raquel Naranjo! Karibu!! (Welcome)

The first date for our car wash is July 25. DeeDee is working on getting at least one more date.

We need to check and see what Zip Code was use on your support letters. Many went out with the wrong one. Send second letters to let people know about this and about where you are at with your support.

We went over our schedule day by day. We need to come up with something to do with the kids in Langata, songs for the school visits and gifts for the school kids and house moms & dads.

Talk to everyone you know in life groups to see if the life group would be willing to help with the supplies we need to get.

Amber G's sister Tiffany came in to talk about a drama we can do for the boys, girls and church. We chose the one we will do. 7 people will be needed for the drama. Amber B, Amber G, Scott, Robyn, and Sandy all volunteered. We still need 2 more people so if I missed you please let me know.

We covered the garage sale.... Be at Brad and Sandy's by 7am unless you are helping collect things from homes to bring over. We will each be working at different places through the day. Robyn will have a schedule. Amber, Raquel and Brad are working on the signs. Robyn and Tara are putting the display boards together. Robyn and DeeDee will go to Costco and get the muffins, cookies, things for coffee, juice and hot dogs. Scott and Donna will get coffee containers and juice containers. Jerilyn will bring her BBQ. Plan on being there till we are done. It will be a long day but a good one. If we have enough things left over, those who want to come back on Sunday to keep the sale going can.

We closed in prayer. It was a great time of prayer. Please remember to be getting in contact with you prayer partners!! It is so needed. Raquel you and Amber G will be prayer partners.

With so much to cover we ran out of time. So from now on our meetings will be from 1:30 to 4:30 to make sure we have the time to cover everything.

You guys are an amazing team and I really look forward to working beside you in Kenya!! WE WILL MAKE IT THERE!!

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