Friday, June 19, 2009

Who are David and Jennifer Hatley

This will be my 4th time going over to Kenya to work with CMIA. God put a deep desire to work in this ministry after I heard David Hatley speak in Snohomish. I will never forget that afternoon, God spoke straight into my heart. Now 6 years later that desire and calling is only stronger. That is in part due to the amazing people the Hatleys are. They let God use them and have the faith of Moses!! I look forward to each of you meeting them in September...

25 years ago David and Jennifer felt the call of God to go to Kenya. They sold all they had and packed up their two very young children and headed to Kenya. Once there, they were told they could not enter the country. David said "you don't understand, God told us to come!" For hours this went on till finally the officials said, "Fine. Go!!" Knowing only one person in Kenya they went out. Now 23 years latter they have been God's hands in starting 4 children's homes, 7 schools for children who can afford to go to school and countless churches. It is their ministry we will be going to Kenya to support. Working in the children's home they helped start. They know each child by name. They spend time with each child in all 4 homes loving on them and encouraging them. Over the years David and Jennifer raised their three children (Penny came after they arrived in Kenya) and have adopted 3 Kenyan girls.

My favorite story of David and Jennifer was the trip I was on in 2006 to Kenya. We were asked to attend a wedding. At the wedding many of the kids came along. I was in the row of chairs in front of David and Jennifer. When I looked back behind me I found both David and Jennifer had ribbon all over them. The kids had gotten bored and gathered the ribbons around them and began putting them on David and Jennifer. They were such great sports!! (see photo above)

David and Jennifer will be in Kenya while we are there. You will get to meet David and Jennifer, along with their three adopted children. It will be a great time to ask any questions about CMIA and get to know two amazing people who followed God's call and have changed the lives of thousand!!

Matthew 25:21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

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