Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Meeting

What a great meeting!! Full of information... Here are the Highlights...

  • We welcomed our newest team member Jerilyn Quintos!!
  • We went over a lot about Kenya's people... Most people are very poor in Kenya. The average income is $32 a month!! But they are a Very generous people. There are 42 different trips in Kenya. Each tribe has its own language, traditions and ways of doing things. This has caused many issues in Kenya, the most recent one, the fighting over the presidency. There are many churches in Kenya but the two main religions are Christian and Muslim. 1 out of every 5 people in Kenya has AIDS. Every person in Kenya has been touched by it in one way or another. We went over a lot more...
  • DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER TO ANYONE. Even those who work with CMIA. If you would like to keep in touch with someone they can send letters to you via the Hatleys and you can send them letters through the Hatleys too. Kenyans are not afraid to ask you for things. Be polite but do not agree to send them anything. If someone ask for something you are wearing or you brought with you, again be polite and let them know everything we leave will be left with the Hatleys to give out as they see fit.
  • Stay in groups. PLEASE DO NOT GO OFF ALONE.
  • We are not going over there to bring America and our ways to them. We will see things we wont always agree with. (How they treat animals is one example used). We are going there to bring them Jesus.
  • Read the book Foreign to Familiar by Sarah Lanier before the next meeting. Also suggested was the book The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns head of World Vision.
  • We went over our projects.... Boys home: The wordless Bible. Brad, I was thinking you would be great to talk to the boys about this and then do an "alter call". We will make brackets with all the colors to give the boys too. Soccer game. Photos of each of the boys for the Christmas cards for sponsors. Sandy will you help me do this?... Girls Home: Wordless Bible as well (I will do this one) and the girls will make their own bracelets or necklaces. Belinda is working on a project for their names and their meanings. Donna is putting together a ribbon cross project. We will also be doing photos of each of the girls and helping them write Christmas letters to their sponsors... Co-ed home: We still need to work on what we want to do here... Schools: DeeDee is working on a craft we can do with kids at the schools. Amber G, will you help her with this? It is right up your alley. Tara and Jerilyn will work on a song we can do for the kids. Amber B will also be taking 4 to 5 people to help touch up the mural on school.
  • Garage Sale... It is on June 13th. People are collecting things!! This is great. My spare bedroom is full. We still need a place!! We will be making the signs for it at our next meeting.
  • For those who think they will need more help raising funds there will be a group doing a car wash. Those who participate in the car wash will have those funds divided between them for their support.
  • Make sure you have your letters out now. A good idea is a follow up letter at the begening of June to remind people and let them know where you are at. I will update you as funds come in at each meeting.
  • Make sure you are collect the things we need to take with us: Medications, clothes for all ages, sheets for twin beds, books for all ages, toys, games, school supplies, towels, new under ware for all ages.... Scott will be going to the Life Group leaders to ask for help from the life groups collecting these things and supplies we need for the projects.
  • Words to work on... Jambo, Hello. Thank you, Asanta. Welcome, Karibu. No, Hakuna. Friend, Rafiki. Good, Mazuri.

We each have prayer partners.... Be in prayer for each other!!

Robyn and Belinda and Amber G

DeeDee and Tara

Scott and Brad and Jeff

Donna and Jerilyn

Amber B and Sandy

Please keep checking this blog throughout the month for more information. Our next meeting is June 7th. We only have 4 more meetings before we go so it is VERY important we all make these meetings. Please come 5 to 10 minutes early so we can start on time. There will be a lot to do in each of these meetings.

"To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." -2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

1 comment:

sded said...


Anyway we can set up a Paypal account, or some other means of transferring money? I have friends overseas (and far away) who may be much more likely to support if it could be electronically. Many don't have typical checking accounts. THANKS!