Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19th Meeting

What another great meeting. So much to go over and still to do. Here is what we went over:

We went over Romans 12:9-18 We watched a slide show

We went outside and got "silly" :)

We watch more of Way of the Master and did some role playing

We went over who is in charge of what... Lots of great projects. Thank you Scott and Donna for your hard work of finding some new and fun things for us to do!

We worked on one of our songs

We went over our funds. We really need to pick this up. The rest is due by Aug. 15th!!!

We talked about making sure we are in contact with our prayer partners and keeping up on this blog.

Make sure you are getting your shots soon....

Our next meeting is Aug. 2nd...

We will meet again at my house!!

1:30 to 4pm

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