Sunday, July 5, 2009

July Meeting

Can you believe it is already July. September will be here before you know it. Our meeting was long but good. Thank you for hanging in there. Here is a summary of what we covered....

  • Brad and Sandy will not be able to come with us. We will miss them dearly.
  • We got our trip Handbooks.
  • We watched a video called Way of the Master. It taught us a great way to share the Gospel.
  • There was a recap of what leaderships role is.
  • Information on AIDS and how it is effecting the area we are going to was gone over. How we can and can not get AIDS. Reminder: there are 4 ways to get AIDS: Sex, blood touching blood, a mothers milk (during the pregnancy or birth can do it too) and lastly using a needle after someone else who is infected uses it. You can not get it from Kissing, Snot, hugging, holding someone, sneezing on someone, insects and infected blood touching your skin, as long as there is no open soar there.
  • We will not be doing a drama. Just to much already going on.
  • We covered what we will be doing and who is in charge of what...

Langata: Amber G and Raquel are working on a project for here. Scott will put together a baseball game. Robyn will check with Jennifer about going to the Giraffe Park.

Nakuru: Robyn will do the Wordless book. Scott and Jeff will do a soccer game. We will also be taking photos of all the boys.

Makindu: Robyn will do the Wordless book again. Belinda will do the name certificates. Donna will do the ribbon crosses. Amber G will be in charge of the letter writing to sponsors. Amber will do the mural. We will need photos of all the girls here too.

Schools: Tara, Amber B, and Jerilyn are in charge of songs. We will not be doing a craft here but giving out gifts in stead.

  • We went over gifts we need to pick up. School kids: Robyn, House Dads: Scott, House Mums: Jerilyn.
  • Lastly we choose to add a few more meetings since there is so much to cover and so little time left.... Our next meeting will be July 19th.

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