Sunday, July 12, 2009

Slums of Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya
Home of the World's Largest and Poorest Slums.

One billion people in the world live in impoverished nations without safe drinking water. The markets in their slums sell sour milk, tainted chicken and spoiled meat. They are dying of starvation. They wear worn-out shoes and ragged clothes, and travel extraordinary distances for food, water and employment. Only one percent of them ever go to college, and most can’t even sign their own names.

Many have AIDS or malaria, and the number of orphans is ever increasing. They endure civil war, evil dictators, an active human slave trade and refugee camps. Their daily suffering is more than many in American society can even comprehend.

Statistics can make us feel like we know what’s going on, but they can’t describe the pain of holding a starving child in your arms. Numbers can’t tell us what it’s like to be twelve years old and watch both of your parents die of AIDS, knowing it’s now up to you to care for your siblings. Statistics say one billion people in the world live on less than a dollar a day; yet this means little to the father who has to gather firewood for twelve hours a day to earn his one dollar. All he knows is that he can barely handle his own suffering any longer.

In the slums of Nairobi there is no clean water, no electricity, and open sewers ran through the muddy streets. A widow with six children is eating small packets of spoiled condiments that had been thrown out by hotel restaurants. She and her little ones, precious to God, yet forgotten by the world, go to sleep hungry every night, without beds, in a one-room shack made of tin and cardboard.

Pastor David Wilkerson
World Challenge
You will see these slums as we drive through Nairobi. They are quite a sight.
Many of the children at GCC come from these slums.
They have story's like the ones above,
they are apart of the statistics.
You will get to hear many of them,
but be encourage, because the children of GCC have hope,
Thanks to God and you for all you do!!

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