Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 3 and 4

Day Three
Sunday we had our first of two worship times with Church on the Rock. It was amazing. There was songs, dancing, drums, singing, and preaching. From our team: Tara and Jeff sang a song in KiSwahili. This amazed everyone...they were great!! Then Scott preached a wonderful message.
After church David Hatley introduced us to some local pastors visiting. It was a great surprise to see two young men I had met at another church in Nakuru 5 years ago. I had often wondered what had happen to them. It was great catching up with them and finding out they were both now pastors!!

After lunch we had different things to do with the boys of GCC Nakuru. Jeff talked about God molding us like clay. To prove his point he had play-doe to give out. Then Scott took the rules of soccer and put a biblical lesson to them. The rest of the team did all kids of fun things with the boys like making wooding toys, soccer, dancing and laughing together. Before we left we treated the boys to Oranges. Something they don't get that often.

Some heart-breaking goodbyes were said and then Pastor Anthony took the team up to the new property for the Boys home. It is a great place outside of the city. It is safe, open and has so much potential. The boys could grow up here learning to farm and safe from the dangers of the city. There is still a great need for funds to build the home and we know God will provide.

Day Four
The team woke up early to head back to GCC Langata. It was a long trip that went by fast due to all the fun we were having in the van. Pastor Kanoti our driver gave us a lesson on how to shop road side. He never had to leave the car and bargained for great deals.

Once we were back in Langata we took 30 of the older kids to Nairobi's idea of a zoo... Safari Walk. What a fun time. We saw many of the animals of East Africa plus some others like the Pygmy hippo and albino zebra. It was a fun time for the kids and the team. To top it all off we took the kids out for a soda. Can you imagine, these kids get a soda only a dozen times a year. So it was a special treat for them.

Once back we hung out with the rest of the kids till dinner time. By the end of day four our team was so tired. We took the chance to catch up on some sleep before heading out to Makindu the next day.

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