Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 5 and 6

Day Five
We all slept in a little and then headed off to Makindu. It is about a 4 hour drive. Most of the way the new road was in and it was smooth but for a few points it was not ready and the detoured roads were SO bumpy!! Kamal (also known as William) was our driver. He quickly became a great friend to all on the team. He was out going, funny and full of life. He made the trip fun.
When we finally got to Hunters Lodge where we would be staying we were all ready for an afternoon of rest. Some took naps, some wondered the amazing ground that are an oasis in the middle of a dessert, and some went to the wood carvers shops to buy gifts. It was a nice evening for all.

Day Six
We had an amazing day in Makindu with the girls of GCC Makindu. All but 4 of the girls were released from school for the day. We started the day with the Wordless Book. Then had stations set up for the girls to go to: Letter writing to their sponsors, hat making, Wordless Book bracelets, cross etching, certificates with the girls names and their biblical meanings on them and face painting. It was a wonderful time with the girls.

Half way through the day, right before lunch, we went over to the Makindu feeding station. This was the hardest station of all. Kids from miles come for food. There were about 800 of them. This is done 5 days a week. Many it is their only meal for the day.

In Makindu, the rains have not come in a long time. It is very dry, dusty and you can feel the sadness all around you. Crops are failing all over, dust storms are everywhere, animals are dieing from lack of water and food. People are hungry.
The last half of the day, Amber B lead a team to work on the mural outside of GCC. It was in need of repair. The work her team did was amazing. It looked bran new!!

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