Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 7 and 8

Day 7
This was a hard day for half of the group. During the night 5 of us got very sick. We were all up most of the night due to the sickness, so come morning only half the group was able to do the days work. The rest stayed back at Hunters Lodge to sleep and heal.
Those that were not sick headed to the pre-primary schools of Makindu and Kisingo. There was singing and crafts done at each school. We also left behind pencils and note books for each child in the schools.
At each school there was also a feeding station. Once again the team pitched in and helped the workers feed hundreds of hungry children.
After lunch the healthy half of the team came back to Hunters Lodge and had an afternoon of rest as well.
Day 8
The prayers of all you back home could be felt this day. Each person who was sick the day before woke up this morning feeling great. We were all in good spirits as we headed out to the Mikindu Hospital.
At the hospital we brought enough burn cream to last about 6 month, food for 3-5 months and supplies donated from Overlake Hospital. We were able to go first into the children's ward. Here we saw burns, broken limbs, malnutrition, malaria, and some unknown illnesses. We prayed with the children and parents. Gave each child a Beanie Baby and a sucker.
We then visited the adult wards. This was so hard to see. There are no privet rooms. It was like one big dormitory for each the women and the men. We saw broken bones, AIDS, sickness and malnutrition. Again we prayed with those who wanted prayer and visited with others.
Afterwards we went back to the girls home to finish the mural. The team members working on the mural did an amazing job. It looked wonderful. Once it was all finished we said our goodbyes to the girls that were there and we were back on the road to Langata.
The 4 hour drive went by so fast. Those who were sick did great once more. We got back to Langata and after Kenyan food for so long, we decided to order Pizza!! Yes, Kenya has pizza and it was great!!

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