Sunday, October 4, 2009

We are home!!

We are home!!
It was an amazing trip. I will spend the next couple of days going over each day what we did and what God did... Today is day 1 and 2...

Day One
We arrived in Kenya and went right to our hotel and to bed. The next day we started our work... We went into the Kibera Slums. We visited CMIAs Pre-Primary School and feeding station there. There were kids running around everywhere. Many had large plastic cups they were waiting to be filled half way with porridge. This is done 5 days a week. For many of the children this is the only food they get each day. It was heart breaking to see the level of poverty there. While there a teach came by and asked if he could bring the kids from his school to be fed as well. There were 300. It was a heart breaking to see Jennifer have to tell him there was not enough food to add any more children. I have a feeling this is not the first or the last time children will be turned away for lack of funds and food to feed them.

After we left the slums we headed to Grace Children's Home (GCC) in Langata. This is CMIAs main compound and head quarters. Here houses 28 children that are HIV positive and 58 healthy kids. The children range from new born to 17 years old. We had an amazing welcome from the kids. We had a tour of the new home just built last year. It is a wonderful, the kids have so much room! It also has a new clinic attached to it were the kids can go for any medical needs. Those who live near by also come to the clinic for medical help so it blesses those near by as well.

Day Two

This day we woke up early to head out for Nakuru and GCC's boys home. It was about a 3 hour ride. On the way we saw the Rift Valley and the Suswa Volcano. We also saw our first Zebras and Baboons. Along the way there were white tents set up. These are the refugees from the violence last year over the elections.

At the boys home we had a wonderful time. We danced with them and they did a skit for us. It was very powerful. Afterwards, I shared my testimony and the wordless book with them. I talked about taking God/Jesus from head knowledge and putting him in your heart. Afterwards about 2/3 of the boys come forward for prayer to do that. We were all so moved. Our home church donated funds to by bibles for a local pastor in Nakuru. Pastor Simon came by to say thank you. He and his wife treated us with a song and some sharing of his vision. The day was full of laughter and a lot of fun. You could feel God in the room. Many on the team fell in love with the boys of Nakuru.

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