Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The long trip home has started. They are landing first in London and then home. They will be here around four tomorrow afternoon. The safari was wonderful and they even saw and got pictures of the elusive leopard. After they left the safari, they went back to say their goodbyes to the GCC family. The goodbyes were bittersweet, no one wants to come home on one hand, on the other hand the whole team is anxious to get back and work for CMIA on this end. They were able to raise $2000 for the fish pond, about $3,ooo more is needed.

Keep Jerilynn in your prayers during this trip home, she fell and badly sprained her ankle. She will be sitting all those long hours on the plane. I pray that the airplane has enough ice and the she was given enough pain medications.

As the team returns, recognize the intensely spiritual time they have experienced. There will be a culture shock and of course a temperature shock. Talk with them so they can share, look at their pictures to understand their calling. Please keep this group in your prayers as they accomplish the work the Lord has for them. Also start praying for the team that will be going next year. During the year here will be mission updates through CHCC in regards to CMIA. You will be learning about this ministry through those you have supported during this mission trip.


"Jesus told His disciples a story about how they should keep on praying and never give up." Luke 18:1

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"The earth and its people are covered with darkness, but the glory of the Lord is shining upon you." Isaiah 60:2 Nairobi_

The countdown for the team has started, they return on Thursday. They are tired but definitely not ready to return to their previous lives. Lives have been changed, and love has been exchanged. Today they went to to church we they sang and praised. They taught Sunday school classes and enjoyed the Kenyan people. Some of the group is still having bouts of diarrhea. They are on antibiotics, Imodium and Peptobismal, they're drinking lots of fluids, but are still feeling pretty miserable. I'm sure the big meal at Carnivore didn't help much,(that's "my mother the nurse" talking.) Please keep them in your prayers. Their time is short with CMIA, they will be leaving for their R&R and the safari tomorrow. "...And Always Be Looking To God With Thankfulness And Worship For Having Placed You In Such A Delightful Corner Of The Universe As The Planet Earth!" Jesse Brand

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The team needs prayer. 6 of them are down with vomiting and severe diarrhea, possibly something they ate. They have been able to rearrange their time a bit so that's helping. What is really miserable is 95 degree weather, humidity, and no air conditioning.
The rest of the team has spent the morning in the feeding stations.They fed 850 children first their 1/2 cup porridge. This afternoon the had another 500 to feed.
They worked with GCC kids last night on the mural. They can't wait to show us the pictures.
Prayer Requests:
Kenya is going thru a horrible drought. Many are loosing their animals and crops. The need is great their and the group is requesting as much prayer as possible. While driving back they saw 10-20 dust devils caused by the dry ground.
Tomorrow, hopefully they will feel well enough to do some shopping in Nairobi and dinner at Carnivores Cafe, they will go to the hospital to bring all the supplies, and then back to GCC

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yesterday in Langata, and a special treat for the 25 oldest children. They got to go to the zoo Kenya style. A walking safari. The kids had never been before so you can imagine the thrill. "all creatures great and small, the lord made them all." Afterwards they all got to go for a pop, which was a treat in itself.
Afterwards a day with the kids, something everyone wanted to do. Tara bonded with a young 7year old girl who is suicidal. She's HIV positive and has watched many close to her die. She actually went out into the road to try and be hit by a car. you. Thank you Lord for Tara and the love you placed in her heart to love this girl, and thank you Lord for putting this child of yours in CMIA where she has hope and will learn about You.

Today they are in Makindo and having a day of rest for the team. Some are feeling out of sorts, please keep them in your prayers. They plan to do some shopping and just winding down. Special prayers for Tara who is having some tummy troubles, Rachael a migraine and Robyn congestion and cough.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lord, each of these kids have a story of their own. I don't know them all but you do. Lord teach them, hold them, love them, grow them, mold them, protect them, heal them, and Lord make your love known to them.
This morning they shared worship with the Nakuru boys. Worship itself lasted 1 1/2 hours. Scott gave the sermon then Tara and Jeff sang a worship song in swahili. The song blew away everyone away and they were given a standing an ovation. Evidently no one before has learned the swahili language enough to sing a song. Later the time was filled with games songs and a dance off. Tara said to pass on to her parents that she isn't coming home and would like someone send an oreo care package. Actually several spoke the desire to stay.
Three or four boys have found sponsors in the group. The boys are learning to care and breed ducks and pigeons.
The team returns to Langata tomorrow where they will take 25 of the older children on a safari walk.
Prayer requests: Health, a couple of the team members are feeling a bit run down,
Travel support, the trip back will be long
Group unity.
"If you are thirsty, come to me and drink! Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you..."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In Nakuru today, the team made it safely to the boys home here. The long ride brought delights to the team as they sighted their first zebras and monkeys in the wild. Robyn called and said that she could really feel the Lord moving. She felt that she needed to give her testimony letting God speak thru her. When they gave the calling, 24 boys stepped forward. For those boys who have so little, now they have a lifetime of love and calling. Wow!! "....But I will still celebrate because the Lord God saves me." Habbakkuk 3:18. In the devotional book the team is doing, one sentence stands out for me. "Thou didst threaten me with the loss of thy choicest gifts that I might set my heart's affections once more on the giver." A statement from a business man, Walter Petherick in 1665. Please pray for those boys tonight as they think over their decision. Judi

Friday, September 18, 2009

The first full day was met by an exhausted team. The team went down to the Kiebera slums. A real eye opener and a tearjerker for many of them. God gave them an enormous love for the people they met. They manned the feeding station for the children at the school giving the children their their main (and for some, their only) meal of the day. (Porrige with 12 g of protein)The need for food is so strong. Another teacher came over and wanted them to feed his 300,they had to say no. I wonder how many "no's" he has had to handle. The need is so great. After lunch school children delighted them with song and dance.
Back in Langata, they spent time unpacking all the bags, all medical supplies made it thru customs, praise our magnificent Lord. Five new babies have joined the family, many loving arms were held out to them. Class pictures were taken, many ended up sunburned in the 90 degree sunshine. Sleep tonight, and pray that all will be rested as they start out for Nakura, the boys home, tomorrow. The road is long and rough with many hills please pray for safety and prevention of back aches! The last prayer request is for unity among the team. "I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me." John 17:20

Thursday, September 17, 2009

On their way to Kenya

First I apologize, I had trouble getting into the blog. After some careful sleuthing we finally got in. The team made it safely to London, spending a fun day being tourists. We will hear more when they get back and we see the pictures. They boarded the plane for Kenya and are on the way to their primary destination. The destination that our Lord has placed into their hearts, and to His people that will fill their days with love. "....cheer up! Because I,the Lord All Powerful, will be here to help you with the work just as I promised." Keep them in your prayers with special prayer that all te medical supplies will make it safely. Robyn's mom, Judi

Monday, September 14, 2009

Updates By Judi Oldenburg

From now till we get home
this blog will be updated by my mom
Judi Oldenburg.
We will be in contact with her almost daily.
Thanks Mom!!

And then there was one!!

One more day till we are off to Kenya!!

Are you ready for your lives to be changed?
Are you ready to help change the lives of those you meet?

As a team I know we are ready for all God has for us.

You each are perfect for what this team is going to be doing.
Each of you has wonderful Gifts that will be so useful.

You will be loved in Kenya!!

Esther 4:14b
And who knows but that you have come to royal position
for such a time as this?

Psalm 31:14-15
I trust in you, O Lord;
I say, ‘You are my God.’
My times are in your hand.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Tentative Schedule
London is 8 hours ahead
Kenya is 10 hours ahead

  • Tue. 15th Leave for London. Flight leaves at 6:40pm
  • Wed. 16th Day in London.
  • Thur. 17th Leave London for Kenya. Arrive in Kenya. Settle in for night.
  • Fri. 18th Kibera Slums feeding station. School photos. Kids at Langata home. Baseball and Face Painting.
  • Sat. 19th Travel to Nakuru. Boys home. Wordless Book.
  • Sun. 20th Worship at Church on the Rock Nakuru. Boys home. Soccer and photos.
  • Mon. 21st Travel back to Langata. Safari Walk with older Langata Kids.
  • Tue. 22nd Leave for Makindu. Free afternoon.
  • Wed. 23rd Kisingoo feeding station. Visit 2 schools, Hospital and village. Girls home.
  • Thur. 24th Makindu feeding station. All day at Girls Home. Wordless Book, crafts, photos, letter writing, and painting murual.
  • Fri. 25th Finish Murual. Travel back to Langata.
  • Sat. 26th Day of shopping in Nairobi. Conivors. Evening just hanging out with kids at Langata.
  • Sun. 27th Church on the rock Langata. Teach Sunday school classes. Craft with kids at Langata.
  • Mon. 28th Early flight out to Masai Mara. Safari. Rest.
  • Tue. 29th Safari. Masai Village. Rest.
  • Wed. 30th Flight back to Nairobi. Goodbye to everyone. Late flight to London.
  • Thur. 1st 9 hours in London. Flight to Seattle. Home.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Sunday is just a day away... Time for packing!!
For Sunday, Each person needs to bring thier own bag packed with their things (20 to 30 pounds only) leaving room for us to fill it more up to the 50 pound mark.

We have 17 "body bag" duffles from CMIA. We need 22. So I need people to let me know if you have extra large duffle bags we can use. We need 5 more. I believe I have one, just have to find it... We will need them on Sunday.

Each person will take their own bag back home with them. You can use what you have packed in there but please DO NOT ADD ANYTHING ELSE TO THE BAG. It will already be at 50 pounds. The rest of the bags will go into Jerilyn's van.

We need to be at the church on Sunday by 1pm. Jeff and Vicki make sure you are at Scott and Donna's by noon to help load up. Tara you were coming to my house to help me load up my storage unit. Noon should work for that too.


Oh, and as of today,
the weather report for our day in London is 65 with partual clouds.
Nairobi is going to be about 80.
Nakuru is about 82.
Makindu about 88.
Not bad!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We are down to the last week before we go....
6 more days!!!

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. John 1:3-5

I am sure the children are getting excited...
Start taking what you have to boost your immune system
Get lots of rest
and drink a lot of water!!

You will start your malaria pills next Monday!!

This last week will be a busy one for all of us
It can also be a week of worry...
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Remember God is in control.
Take each day one at a time.

Pray for each other.... get a hold of your prayer partner,
even if you do not need prayer they might!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our last meeting is now over. We leave in just on week. The only thing left to do is pack....

Here is a brief run down of our last meeting....
  • Packing day is next Sunday at 1pm at the church room 101. We will each have 3 bags to pack. We need to make a list of what we are putting into each bag. We also need to go through everything to make sure it is worth taking with us. Bring a finger food to share for lunch.
  • Average Temps this time of year: Kenya 78 - 90 London 65
  • We will be meeting at 2:45 at Scott and Donna's house to leave for the airport by 3pm.
  • Carry-on must haves: Pills, Passport, Camera, Bible, Money, Overnight clothing and toiletries.
  • Get your Pounds for England now.
  • We went over the songs one last time
  • Sunday School classes. Who is teaching where and what. You need to have this done by Sunday.
  • Girls make sure your nail polish do not stand out.
  • Our schedule can change at any time so remember to be flexible and DIE TO SELF.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Carry On Bags

As nice as the gal at security was,
DeeDee had to throw away all the stuff you see in the photo!!
Make sure this doesn't happen to you!!
Here is a link if you want more details on what is allowed,
but I'll try to give a "quick" summary :)

Common sense stuff still can't come with- knives,scissors, etc.
The big change though is with liquids.
Each person is allowed
ONE quart size, zip-top, clear plastic bag and all of your liquids must fit in here
as you're going through security.
All of those liquids must be in bottles labeled 3oz. or less.
This means if you have a bottle of lotion that is labeled 4oz., but it clearly is only 1/2 full, they will make you throw it in the garbage, so watch your labels!
This includes gels- hair gel, toothpaste, etc.

Prescriptions in their original bottles
are allowed, they don't need to fit in your baggie.

Don't bring bottles of water, juice, or pop with to the airport, you can't get them past security.
(empty water bottles are fine)
Once you're through security you can buy all of the beverages you need and they are fine to come on the plane with you.

One last important note on carry-ons

Some airlines allow a back pack and a purse, not this time.

If you are caring your pillow it must fit into your carry on bag.
It is one and only one, so pack accordingly!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We Leave in 2 Weeks!!!

It is down to only two weeks before we go...
We will have all our funds in by this Sunday
We have all our supplies in for our projects
We have a ton of things collected to bring with us!!
If you are like me you might have even started packing...
well, at least setting things aside that will be packed.
Now is the time to ready ourselves for going....

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:6-9