Monday, September 7, 2009

Our last meeting is now over. We leave in just on week. The only thing left to do is pack....

Here is a brief run down of our last meeting....
  • Packing day is next Sunday at 1pm at the church room 101. We will each have 3 bags to pack. We need to make a list of what we are putting into each bag. We also need to go through everything to make sure it is worth taking with us. Bring a finger food to share for lunch.
  • Average Temps this time of year: Kenya 78 - 90 London 65
  • We will be meeting at 2:45 at Scott and Donna's house to leave for the airport by 3pm.
  • Carry-on must haves: Pills, Passport, Camera, Bible, Money, Overnight clothing and toiletries.
  • Get your Pounds for England now.
  • We went over the songs one last time
  • Sunday School classes. Who is teaching where and what. You need to have this done by Sunday.
  • Girls make sure your nail polish do not stand out.
  • Our schedule can change at any time so remember to be flexible and DIE TO SELF.

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