Saturday, September 19, 2009

In Nakuru today, the team made it safely to the boys home here. The long ride brought delights to the team as they sighted their first zebras and monkeys in the wild. Robyn called and said that she could really feel the Lord moving. She felt that she needed to give her testimony letting God speak thru her. When they gave the calling, 24 boys stepped forward. For those boys who have so little, now they have a lifetime of love and calling. Wow!! "....But I will still celebrate because the Lord God saves me." Habbakkuk 3:18. In the devotional book the team is doing, one sentence stands out for me. "Thou didst threaten me with the loss of thy choicest gifts that I might set my heart's affections once more on the giver." A statement from a business man, Walter Petherick in 1665. Please pray for those boys tonight as they think over their decision. Judi

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