Sunday, September 27, 2009

"The earth and its people are covered with darkness, but the glory of the Lord is shining upon you." Isaiah 60:2 Nairobi_

The countdown for the team has started, they return on Thursday. They are tired but definitely not ready to return to their previous lives. Lives have been changed, and love has been exchanged. Today they went to to church we they sang and praised. They taught Sunday school classes and enjoyed the Kenyan people. Some of the group is still having bouts of diarrhea. They are on antibiotics, Imodium and Peptobismal, they're drinking lots of fluids, but are still feeling pretty miserable. I'm sure the big meal at Carnivore didn't help much,(that's "my mother the nurse" talking.) Please keep them in your prayers. Their time is short with CMIA, they will be leaving for their R&R and the safari tomorrow. "...And Always Be Looking To God With Thankfulness And Worship For Having Placed You In Such A Delightful Corner Of The Universe As The Planet Earth!" Jesse Brand

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