Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lord, each of these kids have a story of their own. I don't know them all but you do. Lord teach them, hold them, love them, grow them, mold them, protect them, heal them, and Lord make your love known to them.
This morning they shared worship with the Nakuru boys. Worship itself lasted 1 1/2 hours. Scott gave the sermon then Tara and Jeff sang a worship song in swahili. The song blew away everyone away and they were given a standing an ovation. Evidently no one before has learned the swahili language enough to sing a song. Later the time was filled with games songs and a dance off. Tara said to pass on to her parents that she isn't coming home and would like someone send an oreo care package. Actually several spoke the desire to stay.
Three or four boys have found sponsors in the group. The boys are learning to care and breed ducks and pigeons.
The team returns to Langata tomorrow where they will take 25 of the older children on a safari walk.
Prayer requests: Health, a couple of the team members are feeling a bit run down,
Travel support, the trip back will be long
Group unity.
"If you are thirsty, come to me and drink! Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you..."

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