Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yesterday in Langata, and a special treat for the 25 oldest children. They got to go to the zoo Kenya style. A walking safari. The kids had never been before so you can imagine the thrill. "all creatures great and small, the lord made them all." Afterwards they all got to go for a pop, which was a treat in itself.
Afterwards a day with the kids, something everyone wanted to do. Tara bonded with a young 7year old girl who is suicidal. She's HIV positive and has watched many close to her die. She actually went out into the road to try and be hit by a car. you. Thank you Lord for Tara and the love you placed in her heart to love this girl, and thank you Lord for putting this child of yours in CMIA where she has hope and will learn about You.

Today they are in Makindo and having a day of rest for the team. Some are feeling out of sorts, please keep them in your prayers. They plan to do some shopping and just winding down. Special prayers for Tara who is having some tummy troubles, Rachael a migraine and Robyn congestion and cough.

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