Friday, September 18, 2009

The first full day was met by an exhausted team. The team went down to the Kiebera slums. A real eye opener and a tearjerker for many of them. God gave them an enormous love for the people they met. They manned the feeding station for the children at the school giving the children their their main (and for some, their only) meal of the day. (Porrige with 12 g of protein)The need for food is so strong. Another teacher came over and wanted them to feed his 300,they had to say no. I wonder how many "no's" he has had to handle. The need is so great. After lunch school children delighted them with song and dance.
Back in Langata, they spent time unpacking all the bags, all medical supplies made it thru customs, praise our magnificent Lord. Five new babies have joined the family, many loving arms were held out to them. Class pictures were taken, many ended up sunburned in the 90 degree sunshine. Sleep tonight, and pray that all will be rested as they start out for Nakura, the boys home, tomorrow. The road is long and rough with many hills please pray for safety and prevention of back aches! The last prayer request is for unity among the team. "I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me." John 17:20

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