Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The long trip home has started. They are landing first in London and then home. They will be here around four tomorrow afternoon. The safari was wonderful and they even saw and got pictures of the elusive leopard. After they left the safari, they went back to say their goodbyes to the GCC family. The goodbyes were bittersweet, no one wants to come home on one hand, on the other hand the whole team is anxious to get back and work for CMIA on this end. They were able to raise $2000 for the fish pond, about $3,ooo more is needed.

Keep Jerilynn in your prayers during this trip home, she fell and badly sprained her ankle. She will be sitting all those long hours on the plane. I pray that the airplane has enough ice and the she was given enough pain medications.

As the team returns, recognize the intensely spiritual time they have experienced. There will be a culture shock and of course a temperature shock. Talk with them so they can share, look at their pictures to understand their calling. Please keep this group in your prayers as they accomplish the work the Lord has for them. Also start praying for the team that will be going next year. During the year here will be mission updates through CHCC in regards to CMIA. You will be learning about this ministry through those you have supported during this mission trip.


"Jesus told His disciples a story about how they should keep on praying and never give up." Luke 18:1

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