Thursday, September 24, 2009

The team needs prayer. 6 of them are down with vomiting and severe diarrhea, possibly something they ate. They have been able to rearrange their time a bit so that's helping. What is really miserable is 95 degree weather, humidity, and no air conditioning.
The rest of the team has spent the morning in the feeding stations.They fed 850 children first their 1/2 cup porridge. This afternoon the had another 500 to feed.
They worked with GCC kids last night on the mural. They can't wait to show us the pictures.
Prayer Requests:
Kenya is going thru a horrible drought. Many are loosing their animals and crops. The need is great their and the group is requesting as much prayer as possible. While driving back they saw 10-20 dust devils caused by the dry ground.
Tomorrow, hopefully they will feel well enough to do some shopping in Nairobi and dinner at Carnivores Cafe, they will go to the hospital to bring all the supplies, and then back to GCC

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